Monday, March 3, 2008

The Huge Manhunt for an escaped Terrorist...and what I think.

On the same day J I leader Mas Selamat escaped from the Whitley Road Detention Centre at 4.10 pm, something peculiar also took place 4 hours before.
A Singapore postoffice van, with its engine left running at the Woodlands Civic Centre was stolen or driven away. Until as I'm posting this, the van has not been seen and many days have passed. A van or vehicle being stolen on any other day sounds ordinary. But on a day when the top local JI terrorist made an incomprehensible escape right under the noses of our ISD operated detention centre.... now that seems uncanny and strange, especially it is a govt postal van. Just ask yourself when was the last time you heard of a postal van being stolen? I've never come across such a happening so in S'pore.It is also rather unusual for such a van that is clearly indentifiable and well-marked to remain unseen and not recovered in our teeny-weeny island....especially with our more than 16,000 police force and thousands more SAF personnel. The police have not said if the 2 incidents are linked. They can't as they have no other concrete info possibly.
What the police could still do is to provide a complete photo of the Singpost van since there are many models of vans to keep the public on the lookout...for this vehicle. No doubts, the van would have been repainted in only a few hours and fitted with false number plates.
But it is unlikely that its shape can be altered that drastically. There is a possibility that the 2 incidents might be linked. And if that be the case we need to ask ourselves what are they planning...making a rendezvous with M S and squirrel him out of our island, with all exit points tightly guarded? Not very clever right?
But....the JI has yet to set off an explosion here in Singapore.
That is a fact and is common knowledge to them, to their operatives, their leaders and also to us.
They just might want to change all that. If they can create some terrible mayhem or disaster soon....that might just be enough distraction to allow M S the chance to really escape in the chaos and confusion.
When the large fleet of Japanese planes approached Pearl Harbour to attack and bomb the US fleet stationed there on Dec 7 was no surprise ! It could have been prevented. The US coastguard and radar operators had spotted the planes on their screen way before they descended on Hawaii to rain death and destruction upon all.
So, what happened?
They....the radio/radar operators ASSUMED TOO MUCH !
They presumed that these were their "own" planes returning from some air exercise. They assumed wrongly, with fatal consequences, that enemy planes could not have reach so far in such large numbers!
Even those above them responsible for assessing this info added to the fiasco.
History has shown us time and time again....not to assume too much.
Better to be safe than sorry.
Better to err on the side of more caution, consider all leads and angles,
than to be led into" impossible for the JI" to do this or that nonsense.
Remember 9/11 fiasco by the US intelligence ? Remember the Bali bombings? No need to restate again.
If I were any of you.....
I'd be very cautious and careful about this missing postvan.
The Bali bombers used such vans too.....packed with deadly explosives.
Areas frequented by expatriates have been marked as good targets by JI.
In S'pore....a few such places like Holland V, SG Gardens, and Lau Pa Sat
can be potential targets, just to name a few. The crowded MRT stations too.
Be Alert, Be Watchful and Be on your guard!
[ Watch out for More pertinent questions and points in my next post.]
Wise Owl

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