Friday, June 20, 2008

The Hubei Province #2 Kindergarten

D2 had prior to our arrival in Wuhan, indicated that she would like to visit a kindergarten if at all possible. So arrangements were made and we were on our way to visit the Hubei Province # 2 Kindergarten. It was located just behind our hotel. We walked there led by Principal Zheng and Mr Fu. Our GSPS trio came along too.
The Principal of the Kindergarten met us at the entrance and introductions were made.
I became the cameraman as soon as I saw the little children and the interior layout. The Kids were really cute and had the most infectious smiles.
I got a nice feeling that this must be one happy place for the kids and the staff.
Top Photo:
D2 being greeted by the P

The rooms were spacious, brightly coloured, well-lit, and adorned with

art works by the kids themselves. The teacher of this class in an orange outfit was very lively in her interaction with the kids. She seems to have a good chemistry with them. Behind her from L to R: D2, Melissa, the Principal, Jessica and a staff.

We learnt that many of kids from here will later hope to continue their primary education at P Zheng's school, just across the road.
In fact, a couple of the teachers here were also his former students at their Teacher Training College.

Our presence was announced to the kids by the teacher who told them we were from Singapore. Later she asked them, " How many of you would like to visit Singapore? " All hands went

up. As I've said they were so cute...all aged between 3-5 years old.

Jessica, D2 and a staff member huddled together in discussion.
In the background, the girls were performing a dance to music for us.

The kids were disiplined and very well-behaved and responded to their teachers speedily and happily.
Here, they were told to sit to get ready for a game of " Chinese Whispers".

The faces of the children were radiant, contented and obviously happy.
This will always be to me an important yardstick of the measure of such a school.

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