Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunset Scene at Yichang

We were able to enjoy these sights while awaiting the arrival of our bus that will take us for boarding our Yangtze River Cruise ship. That place is about an hour away by bus. The shadows of early night were creeping up when we got the call that the bus had arrived. Together with other fellow cruise passengers, we boarded for the journey to the actual Cruise Centre.

That bus trip brought us right into the heart of " the Three Kingdoms" country. The accompanying guide for a main group was excitedly pointing out features to our left, our right and so on even though it was already dark outside....but we could still make out the main outlines of mountains, cliffs, valleys and other interesting bits. He was explaining in Chinese...fortunately D2 and I could
catch some of it. Shirley who was seated nearby, offered to translate but
I told her not to worry, just sit back and that bus driver was going at a super-fast speed, even round sharp corners. And this was, mind you, along the mountainous roads!

Fortunately too...That driver was skillful in handling the bus at high speed. But imagine if you have a heart condition. Your poor heart would have croaked before the brakes of the bus gave way!

Sitting quietly here and contemplating....I reminded D2 that we have been mightly blessed to be able to be in the land of my forefathers, the land where we Yippee people came from, to see for ourselves and understand more of the long history of this our ancient roots....a land that will always tug at my heartstrings.

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