Wednesday, October 8, 2008

ACTIVE AGERS AWARDS 2008... the details.

The Presentation Ceremony was held during the Gala event on Sat 4th Oct 2008 at the Cavenagh the late evening.
The theme of this grand function was...
Honouring The Stars.
And to show that the nation takes active ageing seriously, no less a VIP than the President of Singapore himself was slated to present the awards.
Unfortunately, President Nathan was advised by his doctors to rest due to his indisposition prior to the event. In his place,
the Guest- of -Honour was Dr Vivian Balakhrishnan, Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports.
Each Award winner was accompanied by 2 other invitees of his/her choice. In my case, it was my wife D2 and David my son-in-law, who had his 2 month old baby son Jordy strapped to him. The person who nominated the winner was also invited separately. My younger daughter Dora is the one who nominated me for the Award. She was most delighted that she was able to attend with her baby son.

The whole set up at Cavenagh Bridge was novel and rather unique. No one in my time could have guessed that such a thing is possible...having a grand function on the bridge itself, with a stage, lights, sound systems, TV screens with "live" coverage and yet posing no problem to the public.
I was impressed. And so were others.
The media people were also invited to cover the event...which included Redsports.

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