Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Everly Brothers...Lightning Express.

In my previous post, I mentioned that one of our "hot" request was the song by the Everly Brothers, "The Lightning Express". This is the Youtube video of that famous pair singing this sad and soulful song. I will try to get the lyrics onto this page soon.

Many old timers of my generation love songs by the Everly Brothers. The brothers have broken up their pairing years ago...but before they did, they were a top draw around the world. Their music and songs live on. Many are in my handwritten song book too.

How many of you remember this song? Tell me.


  1. Yes, I like this song very much. I first heard it when I was a recruit in the army. One OC's Evening, 2 guys performed this number with 2 separate guitars and it was very nice. Wonder how your ukulele & guitar version sounds like.

    I like Everly Bro and have a cd of their greatest hits. My favourite is Ebony Eyes.

  2. It sounds nice whether accompanied on guitar or uke or combined.More importantly, this song is excellent if the people singing it can HARMONISE just like the Everlys...high and low. I love Ebony Eyes too!

  3. Uncle Dick, can u oblige us with a recording? any oldies of the early 60s will do. after that email to us.

  4. Can do that only if I get a new digital video recorder. My ancient recorder has conked out and has not been replaced as yet.'s in the pipeline for the near future. It is all about hardware.

  5. I seem to recall that there was an Everly Bros show on tv in the old days. Anyone can confirm?

  6. That's news to me...if there was such a show. But I do recall seeing them apperaring as guests
    on the other hosted shows like ED SULLIVAN, JACK BENNY and ANDY WILLIAMS shows in the 60's and early 70's. Maybe on the OSMONDS too.

  7. I think it usually comes on around 6-something, 7 o'clock. Around that period, there was also a show called Shindig. This one I am quite sure.

  8. SHINDIG...was a fantastic and fabulous show when it appeared in the mid 60's.It had everything,good music,good host,top rated stars moving at a fast tempo. The band was also very good but most of all,I remember the SHINDIG dancers! They were doing moves like the A-Go-Go! and it was beautiful and sheer joy to watch them!

  9. Really, Chun See..the 50's and 60's were some of the best times of my early life, filled with the innocence of youth and music in the air(waves). I would dearly love to be transported back to those days if it were possible. They held a deep purpose and meaning for me...even till now.

  10. Hi Grandpa Ukelele - Margaret, Celia & I are having great fun singing along to this now -

  11. There was a remake song "Over The Rainbow" with a ukelele strumming in the background. I wish you record and sing that one for me. U can use a digital camera with video clip facility to record picture and sound - that would be a better idea - then u email to us.

    Yeah remembered Shindig (was a British production)and the other shows mentioned. The Shindig dancers were dancing on black and white checked floorings like a chessboard. Jack Benny was hilarious because of the signature tune (a violin played in the background). Jack Benny and Ed Sullivan were on Saturday evenings. There was also "The Monkees" on TV on Sunday afternoons.

  12. Hi Maree,Margaret and Celia!
    How's the weather in beautiful Dunedin? Must be spring time in the air right? Glad that you are all gathered and having a swinging time with some old time favourites.
    Still remember that sweet time at Maree's living room where we had such a fabulous sing along. I remember that Maree and some of you were hugely surprised that Grandpa ukulele knew not only many songs but even the Irish and Scottish ones...and old English folf songs. That time,at your place, I was using the OVATION guitar.
    Do let me know if you have any special favourites for featuring.

  13. Hi Peter,
    Somehow you have asked for one of my favourite song.."Somewhere Over The Rainbow " from the original movie The Wizard of Oz.
    I'll work on that.
    Btw, do you know that original producer of the movie threw out that song? He listened and did not like it at all! It was only later that he was overruled or something by others involved and that song proved to be a WINNER!
    Over the years, many singers have tried to sing it in their "own"way.
    All were so-so only...until a Ukulele player from Hawaii,the great Israel Kamakawiwo, recorded his impressive version and adding "It's A wonderful World"...
    that the song revived and reclaimed its previous status.
    What you requested for will come..patience!
    Anyway, watch out for my next post.
