Saturday, October 11, 2008

Honouring The STARS...part 7.

The Programme for the night's event ran like clockwork with all guests seated by 6.30 pm.
Host of the Gala event, Brian Richmond, kept everyone rocking with laughter. As usual, he kept us all truly entertained until it was time to bring on Rahimah Rahim. One of his classic spoof that night was when he highlighted the recent news about traditional Peking Opera being performed in year. He thrilled the assembled with a parody of how it would sound like with his own version...very good.
Another even better one by Brian was when he attempted to create the sitar and tabla sounds using "Twinkle,
Twinkle Little Star." It was excellent!
Brian is truly a huge talent.
Rahimah too was jovial. She was able to make jokes about herself asking us if we had noticed her neatly wrapped

"turbanned" headgear. When we nodded, she asked " do you want to know why? No,no ...not for fashion lah. My hair...all white, so must colour lah ! "

After the G-O-H arrived, the opening speeches were made by the 3 main sponsoring grganisations.
Mr Gerard Ee, as Chairman of C3A, spoke about the awards. Five most Active Agers Awards, and the 2 new Awards created only this year...the
Prudential Prime Award and the Infocomm Champion Award 2008. He gave out some details. There were more than 450 nominees and the Selection Panel had done a difficult but great job of picking the BEST 5 and one each for the other 2 Awards. Citations were made about the 5 Active Agers.
The next to speak was Mr Philip Seah, CEO of Prudential Assurance Singapore. He gave an inspiring account of the winner of the Prime Award...Mr Daniel Koh. Finally, it was the turn of RADM (NS) Ronnie Tay, CEO of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore. He gave a most glowing citation of why I was chosen as the 1st Infocomm Champion Award Winner. As the citation was carried Live...I realised that the video cameras were focussed on me. I could see myself on the screen and vantage sets all around. I blushed, never expecting such effusive and open praises in public and in front of a LIVE TV network. Fortunately, having been identified as the Wise Old Owl...I remembered the tip in time, to Smile and Grin if possible!
As soon as the citations ended, Dinner was served. Joining me at my table was Mdm R Krishnavani and her family members...seen here with her daughter. DT and D4 plus my wife and 2 security officers were the others. Little Jordy was strapped to his loving daddy.

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