Friday, November 7, 2008

Aspiring BLOGGERS !

Yesterday, 6th Nov 2008, I conducted my very 1st Learn to Blog session for the aspiring bloggers. It was held at the Contact 123 Centre at Serangoon North Ave 1. When I arrived at about 4 pm, there were already about 8 persons in Lab 2 which has 11 computers. I introduced myself to all present and we chatted in general about Blogging. A few minutes later another 4 came in making it 12 in all....maximum capacity. Wonderful!

All of those present wanted to find out more about what blogging really is. Quite a number wanted to learn how to start a blog.
Using my blog website as an example, I gave them an OVERVIEW of what they can expect once they decide to set up.
I encouraged the participants to ask as many questions as they woukd like....and they had many. Some good ones too. The difference between a private and public blog. Advantages vs disadvantages. Any dangers from blogging. Benefits of blogging. Time spent. As I said...many points raised for which I provided ,I dare say, very good insight from my experience so far. The session was to have ended at 5.30 pm but quite a few stayed on to learn more, including my 1st 3 disciples in this photo. They stayed till about 6.30 pm.
Although, I showed them the entire process and took them through the step by step way of registering a blog, it was still, I felt, a very Big jump for most of take. Their keeness and interest was there. We actually set up a trial blog using my account and did our "1st post" together.
The next session will be on Tuesday 11 Nov 2008, same place, same time.
This time they will do the set-up on their own with my guidance at every step of the way.
Be seeing all you wonderful Learners!

1 comment:

  1. Unk Dick,
    Remember to call your disciples at Contact123 to come along to the Silver Infocomm Day Seminar on 22 Nov and 29 Nov where you'd be speaking on "If I Can Blog, So Can You!". Folks who are interested, the dates are 22 and 29 Nov, location: S'pore Poly LT17A beside the Auditorium.
