Tuesday, November 4, 2008

TTC CAMP REUNION 31/10/08...more Nostalgia!

The two sea activity that was included in the 1968 August TTC YLTC was Canoeing and Sailing.
The photo showed Barracuda Group in one of their basic sailing session at Tekong. I am at extreme right of picture, with folded arms.

Edward Tan, standing right in front in this photo has the honour of being featured in my very 1st blogpost when I started this blogsite in Sept last year (2007). You can see that post under the Archives section. We travelled together to Thailand.

The Leader of the Pack with Koh Boon Long.

The Leader of the Pack and "Grandfather of PE" with me.


  1. Thanks, Dick - for posting our photos up on your blog

  2. Thanks, Dick, Boon Long
