Friday, November 21, 2008

Youtube video...of 3 Top senior Bloggers together !

Hi folks,
This is the Youtube video from INFOCOMM 123 which I had blogged about in my
earlier posts.
The three of us, Laozhabor, Lam Chun See and unk Dicko appear in a candid interview
about seniors who are actively Blogging.
For even more info and interesting stuff you should visit the official INFOCOMM 123 website ( widget at the top of my homepage ).
Have FUN!


  1. Love your Hawaii shirt. Nice.
    Are you a Scout? Because you play the ukelele. I'm the anonymous teacher who taught in a school in CCK area contributor to one of your post about the recent youth gang violence.

  2. Hi Anon,
    Thanks v much for dropping by. Yes, I was a long time into scouting from the 50's. I'll willingly give my nice Hula shirt to you if you too can play the ukulele!
    Btw, are you still in service ?
    The many complaints and issues raised by teachers revolving around their day to day school work vs balance of a healthy family life...I'm most familiar with. It has not been made any easier coping with the chilli-padi combination of ill-disiplined kids and worse...samseng students.
    On top of that some very vicious "parents" and higher-ups in sch,Moe etc.. who are so scared of them.
    I truly empathised with them all.
    Just to end, I truly value your views here and do ask others to contribute too, if possible.
    Actually, I have proven, workable strategies and "methods" which can be adopted to solve many of the ills in schs. But I can't blog about them as that would only allow the ss and criminal elements to devise ways around them.
