This is a Tragic story of a 2 year old miraculous survivor of the MUMBAI Massacre.
It really pains my heart to read this. But the evil that was done must be exposed and publicised as much as possible. It is yet another awakening call for all of us, for governments and especially the so -called "Intelligence Services" ( some are obviously not so intelligent after all ).

For right before his eyes, his mother and father were brutally murdered by the COWARDS that came into his peaceful home.
Yes, the terrorists are COWARDS of the worst kind when they take on innocent and defenceless killing Ms Lo Hwei Yen, one of our own innocent citizens.

What horrors has this two-year-old child seen? And how much does he understand?
His face wracked with sobs as he cries for his mother, tiny Moshe Holtzberg has had a miraculous escape: He was inside the Jewish centre stormed by Islamic militants during last week's Mumbai attacks.
His rabbi father and mother were both murdered by the militants. Moshe was rushed to safety - drenched in blood - after his nanny found him crying by their bodies.
Clutching a toy basketball, his face contorted by tears, this is Moshe Holtzberg at today's memorial service for his parents. The two-year-old orphan's rabbi father and mother were murdered in Mumbai's Jewish centre
Horror scene: Blood spatters the walls inside the Jewish centre where Moshe was trapped as Islamic gunmen killed his parents during last week's attacks
He only turned two this week. Today he attended the emotionally-charged memorial service for his parents at a Mumbai synagogue before being flown to Israel.
Now he is safe in the care of his mother's parents - but what effect the trauma of his horrifying ordeal has had on him remains to be seen.
'I don't know that he can comprehend or that he will remember seeing his parents shot in cold blood,' said Robert Katz, a New York-based fund-raiser for an Israeli orphanage founded by the boy's family.
'When the baby emerged with the nanny, he had blood stains on him,' Benjamin Isaac, secretary of the Indian Jewish Federation, said.
'Thankfully it wasn't his blood. But we knew someone's blood had already been spilled.'
Last Wednesday, two gunmen had stormed the six-storey Nariman House, which housed the centre in Mumbai's Colaba area.
Bullet marks cover the walls of Naiman House, showing the intensity of the firefight when commandos burst in in an attempt to free the hostages
The house is at a nondescript address on a small street - but it is close to the plush hotels and railway station which bore the brunt of a string of attacks by the heavily-armed militants.
They took eight people hostage inside Nariman House, including the wife and child of Israeli-born Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, 29.
The young rabbi arrived in Mumbai in 2003 to run a synagogue and Torah classes as part of the worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch Movement.
Moshe's nanny, Sandra Samuel was on the first floor of the building when the gunmen arrived. She locked herself in a room in a desperate bid to stay alive.
At one point she heard Moshe's mother Rivkah screaming "Sandra help!" Then the screaming stopped, and it was quiet, Mr Katz said
'The whole night I heard gunshots and loud blasts,' she said in a statement to police.
'Next morning it was quiet for a while, when I heard the baby crying.'
Moshe's grandmother Yehudit Rosenberg and member of the family's domestic staff console him during the service today
Samuel quietly unbolted the door, and went up to the second floor where she found Moshe crying, his pants drenched in blood, next to the bodies of his parents.
She picked him up and dashed out through the blood-spattered rooms to safety.
A handyman who worked for the family also managed to escape.
As the siege of the building dragged on, elite commandos were dropped by helicopter onto the roof of the building, the same men who would later blast their way through the centre, ending the stand-off after almost two days of intense fighting.
But by then the militants had killed the remaining hostages, including Holtzberg and his 28-year-old wife, Rivka.
At a police station on Thursday, Moshe sat clutching a grimy doll surrounded by Jewish volunteers, while Samuel described her horrifying ordeal.
He has since been handed to his maternal grandparents, Shimon and Yehudit Rosenberg, who flew to India from Israel with members of ZAKA, Israel's non-governmental rescue-and-recovery organisation which specialises in collecting human remains to ensure a proper Jewish burial.
His nanny Sandra flew to Israel with him after today's memorial service 'so at least he has someone he knows and recognizes and loves,' said Mr Katz.
Describing Moshe's reunion with his grandparents, Mr Katz said: 'It was pure raw emotion, tears of joy, tears of sorrow, incredible emotion - understandably out of control.'
Fewer than 5,000 Jews remain living among India's billion-plus people, but the faith has a long history here, with the first established community thought to have been formed in the south-western state of Kerala before AD 70.
The photograph shows the inside of Nariman House after the commando operation
The attack on Nariman House pitched Mumbai's tiny Jewish community into the the glare of the world's media and its members say they now feel vulnerable.
Israeli officials say the Chabad centre was targeted for being Jewish. A Los Angeles-based member of the movement said there was no knowledge of specific threats prior to the attacks.
But he said there had since been reports the gunmen had rented an apartment in a nearby building at some stage, something also reported by Indian media without quoting sources.
'Actually, we have been very concerned for sometime now,' the Indian Jewish Federation's Isaac said. 'We had been expecting something like this.'
For the moment the community's are thoughts with Moshe.
The toddler has one older sibling who has Tay-Sachs, a genetic disorder particularly prevalent in Jews of Eastern European origin. He is permanently hospitalized in Israel, Katz said. The couple's first-born child died of Tay-Sachs.
In a sad coincidence, Moshe's grand-uncle, Rabbi Yitzchak David Grossman is founder of the Migdal Ohr, which says it is Israel's largest facility for orphaned and disadvantaged children.
The Foreign Ministry said the government would arrange official funeral send representatives to the ceremonies, as it does for victims of attacks at home.
'There are going to be thousands of people at this funeral,' said Mr Katz.
'This couple wasn't living in the West Bank. They weren't settlers. They weren't occupying anyone's land. They were killed because they were Jews, simple and plain.'
'The boy's security is of utmost concern to us,' said Jonathan Solomon, a prominent community leader.
'He had been crying. He is too small you see, and all this must be affecting him so much.'

Oh my gosh...
ReplyDeleteso young like that?
if i could change the world...
i comfirm will get rid of all the violence and killing....
Yes, she was such a lively young lady with a tremendous spirit to live her life.
ReplyDeleteUnk Dick feels very, very sad for her family and loved ones.
I was at her wake earlier this evening and spent about an hour talking with Mr and Mrs S Puhaindran.I comforted her hubby, Michael too.
Btw Mini, are u still strumming your ukulele? Has it been tuned yet? I may put up some easy songs with chords on this blog soon for you all to practise.
yes i have been praticing.....
ReplyDeletequite okay...
it hass been tuned...
i can't wait for our next lesson