Monday, June 22, 2009

Another Great 40 Year Juxtaposition. TAHAN!

April 1969...just before our final ascent of Gunung Tahan. This picture was taken by our Tahan mountain guide Ahmad who has sadly passed on. That were all 10 of us 40 long years ago near the top of Malaya's highest mountain.
Photo: From L to R.

Tng K Guan, Tham Han Chew, Francis Lee, Twang P Ee, Louis Hwang,( behind Twang ), Tan Yam Tee ( next to Twang), Jasudasen, Dick Yip ( with State Scout scarf ),
Kneeling: Balbir Singh, Tan Yeow Huat.

[ 20 June 2009 Re-union, 40 years later ]...this is what TAHAN has turned us into...sprightly and stronger looking man mountain or is it mountain men, grinning and laughing as we did that unforgettable day, a day that even with the passing of time, has not diminished one bit in our hearts and in our minds and in our combined spirit.
Photo: L to R
Dick Yip, Twang Peck Ee, Tng Kim Guan, Louis Hwang, Balbir Singh and Francis Lee.


  1. Having seen all those 6 at the reunion close up I can say that all seem to be in reasonably good physical shape...perhaps an unwritten testament to our Gunung Tahan pursuit.

  2. Unk Dick. Like this chap, you guys are truly members of the original rugged society.
