Wednesday, July 15, 2009

AYG - How we kept H1N1 at bay.

As soon as the thermal scanners were placed in the strategic locations and control points, my volunteers got into action. SSC also had their own set of volunteers helping out.
In the main Operations Room area, all workforce or visitors have to get their temp taken twice daily and given a sticker to identify their OK status.
These temp takers were the adult teachers in my Special Squad aided by student volunteers.
Top...Ms Mawaddah from PLMGS performing her task well.
Bottom...the visitor filling up particulars in the temperature log book. Green stickers were for use after 5 pm.


  1. i wonder who will go to the hotel to stay after they left. Especially the level where they do the treatment

  2. H1N1 cases were not treated there at the hotel. Those few athletes affected were quarantined at TTSH and the rest of the team at Aloha Resort.
    No member of our workforce or volunteers came down with the virus. It's a GREAT achievement!
    Swissotel was operating at full house capacity!
