Saturday, November 28, 2009

Unk Dicko heading to Europe for 2 weeks ...Winter holiday

Just to update all my regular visitors, tonight I'll be heading to Europe with my dear wifey.
This is a "no work" just plain relaxing (hopefully ) winter holiday.
Though we've been travelling to many different places in the world together, somehow we
have never been in Europe as one.
3 decades ago, while I was in Rome at the famous Fontana de Trevi ( featured in the movie 3 Coins in the Fountain ), I actually threw 3 coins into that fountain....and made 3 silent wishes which legend says " will come to pass".
Well, the legend must be really powerful for all my 3 wishes have come true.

For newer readers of my can find lots of TRUE stories under Blog Archives.
Check out some of these:-

# Gunung Tahan..S'pore's very 1st Expedition
# Heaven and Hell...almost!
# Meeting Princess Gunung Ledang ...face to face!
# My 1st train journey
# and many other exciting posts.

It is not likely that I will be able to post while travelling as we'll be on the move.
Until you hear from me again,
Best wishes to all for this holiday season...take care.

Unk Dicko


  1. Here's wishing you an enjoyable and safe trip.

  2. How WONDERFUL! Have a great trip you two - & will look forward to hearing all your stories - HAppy Travelling from all your Kiwi Family

  3. Have a great trip, Dick. If you happen to chance any vinyl LPs or EPs for a few Euros, buy them and I'll reimburse you. Artistes could be locals or pops and Country Western but from the 50s and 60s.
    From one Geylangnian to another.

  4. Dick, have a great descovery trip. Travelling is good for the soul. Me and better half have been doing a fair share. Last trip was Jerusalem !
    Take care. Tks for your blog.
