Monday, February 8, 2010

Learn to play the Ukulele

If you have been wondering how you can learn to play the ukulele reasonably well and finding no ready answers so far....well, wonder no more.
All those of you who are residing in Singapore and who are interested in learning to play this most wonderful instrument can do so easily with some expert personal coaching...from Unk Dicko.

I conduct introductory beginners classes in a small group of about 10 persons. Everything is provided for including their very own ukulele, electronic tuner, songsheets, special chord sheets and refreshments.
Over 5 solid fun-filled sessions lasting more than 2 hours per session per week, my learners progress from zero to being able to identify the major chord groups, applying correct fingering for the chords, learning different strumming patterns and different techniques of strumming and picking.

By the end of the Lesson 1, they were playing the ukulele and singing away.
Naturally, since all of them are new to this, they would require more time and more coaching tips to smoothen the way.
This group of new ukulele enthusiasts are from a church group.
Most of them have very little or no musical background...but they all have one thing in common...they love
to sing and they love the magical sounds of the Ukulele!
By the end of the 5th and final lesson, they would have learnt to play and sing many different kind of songs, with different rhythm, beat and tempo.
They were truly a most enthusiastic bunch of ukulele learners.
This beginners course I had conducted is more than sufficient to start anyone on the road to playing and singing.
But there's a little more to do to build up confidence in
playing anywhere, anytime and whatever song or music is requested for.
So, most of this group or for that matter any other group should continue to Part 2 ...where I conduct another 5 week module of similar duration but the course content is more advanced, more focussed and learning to play a wider repertoire of songs in different styles.
Also solo playing will be taught, together with how to read simple ukulele tabs.
My next beginner's class starts after Chinese new Year ( Some vacancies still exist for those interested).

Beginners Part 2 ( advanced) start in March.

If you are keen to learn or know someone or some people who want personal let me know in "Comment" box.
Leave some contact email address and I can get in touch...with details of course, cost, time and day etc.
Alternatively, leave a message in my Facebook with contact details.

Unk Dicko ( Grandpa Ukulele)

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