Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Buy Buy American Pie...an amusing parody!

Hi folks,

It has been quite awhile since my last posting. Thanks to my dear friend Lam Chun See for taking the trouble to ask " why the silence? ". No, I have not given up on blogging lah! Just that I have been comtemplating and reevaluating a little more recently without IT factor thrown in....just yet. Don't want to bore you with all the details but for now my answer to LCS's kind concern in comments box should suffice. ( Check previous post comments) .

I have uploaded this very amusing video which is a "must see and listen" one. The video is performed by a group known as the Capitol Steps. It warns, in an exagerrated way, about the many dangers of buying cheap products made in China ( many are true as reported in the media).

I enjoyed it tremendously and hope you have a great day too! The video has garnered close to

two million hits.

Unk Dicko


  1. Unk Dicko, not only Chun See, but your faithful "The Wise Old Owl" for myself and our "Blogs of the Same Feather" friends waiting for quite a while for your regular blog updates too. Perhaps you just have a break, I guess. Or maybe you're on to something big scoop from the research digging from your treasure chest "karung guni" to share will our interesting and memorable stuff to share with us soon. Hear from you soon. Best Love & Regards, Unk Dicko!

  2. Yes...so called 'break' is more or less over. Will be back to regular blogging on a more regular basis.
    And you guessed rightly too. I have lots of archival and historical stuff in my collection. Newsclips and other very interesting things which will be out in the blog sooner or later.
    Glad to hear from you!
