Wednesday, May 26, 2010

TEKONG Days...IE,NIE Training Camp activities, 80's

More photos of those Training Camp days in the early to mid 80's at Tekong.
Base camp was at Tekong Primary School at Tg Ladang. The school was situated ideally for camps such as ours. Our camp equipment and other stuff came with us on the RPLs and were
off loaded at the Ladang jetty.
From there it was sheer human power to carry all the tons of stuff to this campsite. On the last day of camp the same thing took place in reverse.

So no lorry or truck to help transport our things. Just good old fashion organisation of all available manpower plus hardwork and sheer perseverance... saw us through.

Me and fellow camp instructors doing pre-camp work at our base camp.
For any outdoor camp activity or trek, I always have my trusty BOWIE knife with me.
I made special mention of this treasured knife in my Gunung TAHAN Blogs ( Do check it out on this blogsite ).
The knife can be seen tucked at my right hip.

On the 1st day of camp, we complete the setting up of all our pioneering structures with the help of the teacher trainees. Here, I was supervising the proper set up of " Swinging Trainer ". We set up many of these structures as "challenges" to test the dexterity, flexibility, agility, strength, skill and courage of the campers. They were often simply referred to as " Obstacles Course".

Morning PT was a very important component of daily camp training. It was carried out immediately after all were up and about and always before Breakfast. The PT will conclude with a run taking a route away from the campsite and back.

Location: Deep in the bushland of Tekong, Unk Dicko used his Bowie knife to split a green coconut...closely watched by fellow camp instructors.

In the middle of seemingly nowhere while on orienteering, a camp group
takes a short breather while confirming their position with map and compass.
Many people have asked me about the different aspects of Tekong camp life.
How long did such training camps last?
Were there mosquitoes and how did you deal with them?
How were the meals prepared for such a large camp population?
How were the campers accomodated?
Toilet and bathing facilities?
Sea activity...dangers?
Land activity....dangers?
Safety and Security within the Camp compound? Were there any incidents of breaches? Crime?
Accidents and emergencies? Evacuations?
Any supernatural or similar experiences encountered? ( Tekong is supposedly a lively haunt for such spirits, unseen beings and other apparitions ).
Regarding the above questions,
would any of my readers, visitors and friends be interested to hear or learn first hand from me?
If you are keen to know something more about any of the above or have questions of your own, just shoot away...tell me.
Otherwise, If I were to describe everything about the Camps from A to Z, it would be like writing
a thick guidebook on how to organise and run an outdoor training camp successfully.
That is not my purpose here.

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