Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The 1964 Racial Riots in pictures...pt 1.

During the racial riots of July and Sept 1964, I did not have any private snapshots of the incidents. Unk Dicko was only a 16 year old schoolboy and had no camera to call my own.
I only have one thing to call my own ... my first UKULELE sold to me by my classmate for
the big sum of $20. That ukulele is still with me today! Check out my earlier ukulele posts.
The bicycle that I had used so often was shared by the family. I used it more than any of my siblings combined together.

Photo Credits:

These pictures are from the National Archives of Singapore. They are mainly for online viewing
only. Pictures of the riots were not easy to come by as only certain members of the press and media had approved curfew passes to cover the disturbances during those days. In some cases, they followed behind the police vehicles.
At other times, they were told " enter at your own risk"...especially in the "hot" spots of Joo Chiat, Geylang Serai and the "No Man's Land" area around Kallang, Bencoolen St and Crawford.

This was Geylang Road looking towards the Kallang Gasworks.

July 1964.

An victim of the rioting in July 1964.

Injured people at the General Hospital, July 1964.

Who can identify this location? I'm sure some of you can.

The reserve unit ( riot squad ) police made its presence felt
by blocking the road...telling everyone to remain indoors for their
own safety. July 1964.

This was actually during curfew period. The road had no moving vehicles. But look carefully and you can still see some people along the 5 foot way ( they thought it was ok to be there..when they should be inside their homes).

When the daily curfew was lifted for a few hours people rushed out mainly to
see to their survival needs...food, provisions, clothes, business etc.
This was somewhere in town. July 1964.

Our then Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew went to the riot-torn areas to appeal
to all the races to stay calm and not to make matters worse.
Here he was speaking from a simple loudspeaker from a jeep at Geylang Serai.
July 1964.

Downtown Singapore when the curfew was lifted. You had a couple of hours to
go about your business before everyone rushed home...and the streets became deserted
again. July 1964.

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