Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Forget your regular tipster...the whole world is waiting for Octopus Paul!

Semi-Final Germany vs Spain
World Cup 2010, S Africa
In case any of you have heard or read that our dear Octopus friend Paul has picked Spain to beat Germany in the coming S -Final game....do not be CONNED!
The reports are completely untrue as of my writing this blogpost.
Our clever friend PAUL has not done the picking yet. Apparently, it will be carried out about 8 or so hours before the actual match time. That match is scheduled for Thursday 2.30 am Singapore local time. So, I would expect that there will be no news of his latest prediction until sometime on Wednesday.
Octopus Paul must have scared the hell out of... first the English players ( beaten 4-1 ), then Argentinia players ( beaten 4-0 ) and now Spain ! Apparently some Spaniards to boost up the fast departing mental fortitude of their players came up with the idea of a "doctored" or FAKE report purportedly showing that our clever Paul has picked Spain over Germany.
The photos were poorly photoshopped from the previous Germany vs Serbia game (where Serbia beat Germany 1-0 )...yes, for that game Paul picked Serbia. But many people and bettors chose not to believe him, having no faith, saying what rubbish is all this, questioning what "brains and intelligence" this slimy tentacled creature could possess.
They found out the hard way...losing a lot of money on that game.
Unk Dicko has actually seen some punters who, having bought a 1 x 2 betting option either for a win for A or B or a plain draw...then proceed to a roadside diety/statue to pray and ask the diety to make their selection come true!
I am not mentioning the type of diety or name of the diety as I have no wish to make fun of anyone's good intentions.
But as I was observing all these it did occur to me...how the diety was going to help them since all of them picked different positions and options.
These bettors did not realise what they were doing in their desperation.
Imagine, if you have chosen that Argentina will beat Germany and by more than 2 goal margin....then go ask for some supernatural help to confirm for you this exact score. Por favor???
It is slightly different if you throw a dice, clackers or whatnot and simply decide based on the outcome of the throw.
In any case desperate people will do anything ...just like clutching at straws.

So if you want to have a small flutter on this game...don't simply rush blindly to buy on account
of inaccurate reports.
At least, do your homework and be more patient for the news that the whole world is waiting for.
If you want my personal insight on this game's outcome, do check out the comments at my 2 previous posts about sports betting just a few days ago.

This is a fake photo.
You can read up more details at the link below.

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