Monday, October 18, 2010

The Minstrels touched the hearts at the Hari Raya event.

For the record, I had planned the Singalong performance with 11 roughly 3 parts. We started out with Dayung Sampan, Gelang sipaku gelang, Di Tanjong Katong and Rasa Sayang Eh.
In between, while my Minstrels got their songsheets ready, for part 2, I made some wisecracks to keep the crowd engaged. This went down well and gave us time to begin the next scene.
The 2nd part consisted of 3 songs in English...Singapura, Have I Told You Lately and that great Hawaiian number...Pearly Shells.

After we had done that lovely song...Singapura, I gently played the background notes to our next song and said this...."Now for our next song, all of you husbands make sure you sing it to your wife sitting with you. Wives, no need to sing...let your husband sing lah! "
The song was, Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? .
That wisecrack nearly brought the house down...with many ladies 'disturbing' their hubbies!
One man said he could not sing and someone told him...then just say it out lah!
Another chap shouted out his wife wanted to sing it to him...boleh lah, he is a happy man.
Unk Dicko knew they all enjoyed that song very much!
The highlight of our performance was doing 3 specially picked "keroncong"type songs. I knew these 3 songs back in the late 50's and 60's. But surprisingly, most of my Minstrels do not know the songs well or even at all. No problem. It took me only a few sessions to teach them and before long, they were all singing it like true minstrels.
The songs are from different parts of Indonesia.
The 1st was "Buka Pintu". Next was " Ayo Mama". Finally, that well-known keroncong song....
"Keroncong Kemayoran."
By the time we reached this 3rd portion of our gig, the audience had already warmed up and their combined singing was much louder than ours! All sorts of singers out there...altos, moderatos, bassos and falsettos! But we didn't mind. The purpose of our being there was not to
show off our skills but to get everyone to join in the in the days of old...gotong-royong.
And that we succeeded beyond expectations!
We had another surprise for all of them after all the clapping was over. We sang "Selamat Hari Raya"...and now, truly everyone joined in, cheering and clapping.
On behalf of the Minstrels, I thanked the audience for their warm support. Somehow we had made this a Hari Raya celebration they'll all remember for a long while yet.

The Minstrels during our regular Wed Singalong

A mother and son pair singing away..."gelang sipaku gelang".

The Minstrels right section with Judy and Chong on the steps.

Those who attended were dressed to the nines!

Judy Foo from the CC passed the wireless mic to many tables.

Members from the WEC enjoying themselves heartily.

Saleem and Kalimuthu from the CCC also had a good time.

In true spirit our Hari Raya friends and residents sang their hearts out.

" Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta !"

" Buka pintu, buka pintu, beta mau, mau masuke!"

" Siola nona, nona beta, adalah di bakae "

"La la la la la la la laaa, laju laju perahu laju, Jiwa manis indung di sayang..."

The Minstrels played a "surprise" Happy Birthday song for Mr Rafi's daughter.

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