Thursday, October 7, 2010

A surprising, impromptu speech at Nanyang Poly !

This year, the Silver Infocomm Day seminars for seniors were held at two separate locations. From 19 - 21 September , it was at Singapore Poly and from 1 - 3 October, it was held at Nanyang Poly. As IDA 's 1st Active Ager Role Model for 2008, I was invited for the Opening of the SID on 19th September 2010. On Friday 1 October 2010, Unk Dicko was again invited to give a " Testimonial" at the " Each One Teach One" Pledge the Nanyang Poly.
Just before I entered the Lecture Theatre, I was literally quite surprised to learn that I was actually invited to give an impromptu " testimonial " and not reading out a few lines on a pledge card. No one had informed me beforehand about this. But as is my usual self, I relish such unplanned, impromptu challenges. With literally no notes and nothing prepared, I stepped into the LT to face quite an unknown audience.
I saw Sam Liu ( 2009 A A Infocomm champion ) speaking. He showed the seniors the many uses and tips of Google and other search engines. I took a seat in front.
At 12 noon sharp, Sam ended and the emcee introduced me as I walked towards the lectern.

" Good Afternoon fellow seniors ! My name is Dick Yip otherwise known as Unk Dicko in the blogosphere. I have been specially invited today to share with you some of my joys and positive
experience on my infocomm learning journey..... ".
It was a sizey,healthy looking crowd in there, men and ladies of varying ages.
I spotted an ex-School Principal friend somewhere in the centre of the audience and called him
by name. He was delighted and waved back!

Sam Liu doing his part to impart IT 'tips" to the crowd.

Unk Dicko mesmerising the crowd with v good pointers.

I was surprised by the attentiveness and interest of all those listening to me as I told my story.
5, 10, 15 minutes had passed and they were still listening, showing no signs of boredom. But I knew I had to end it as it was time for their lunch break.
So I offered to answer " one more last question ".
A lady sitting right at the top row asked,
" Can you give us the details of the websites you mentioned earlier? "
Me, " Do you mean for football, sports etc..and is it for your husband ? "
She, " Yes ! "
And I told them to get their pens ready as they gratefully noted down the details I provided.
But it didn't end there!
I know how these free websites work and some obstacles that may prevent them from viewing/accessing without problems. They needed some more important tips.
Thus, I took the trouble to explain, in a very clear manner, what they needed to do once they click on to the website. Do this, do that and if this happens refresh with this...etc.
After the urging all to confirm their IT pledge, I ended.
About 30-40 of these seniors stayed behind to interact with me...all asking for my email and blog address. Many wanted to stay in touch as they needed more help or advice in computers and IT.
All asked if I should conduct any computer, Blogging or IT sessions... can they come and join in.
They were so inspired!
Below is the INVITATION I received from IDA
Hi Dick,
Thank you for returning my call, and accepting our invitation to participate in this year’s SID. As spoken, this year’s SID will be held in two locations, at Singapore Polytechnic on 19, 20 & 21 September 2010; and at Nanyang Polytechnic on 1, 2 & 3 October 2010. SID 2010 will be graced by Mr. Lui Tuck Yew, Acting Minister, Ministry of Information, Communications and The Arts at the Opening Day on 19th Sept.

One new thing that we are trying out this year is “Each One Teach One” Pledge Campaign. This campaign basically encourages senior citizens to teach and help other seniors after they have become trained. Hence, we are calling for pledges from seniors to participate in this movement. Pledge cards will be given to SID2010 participants, which in turn will be used for lucky draw.
As our 2008 Role Model, we would like to invite you to call for pledges for the “Each One Teach One” campaign. Please let us know which dates you would be available. We will firm up the schedule and update you accordingly.
Pamela Yap
"I was an IT dinosaur....before, one of the worst !"
And if I can do can you, my fellow seniors !


  1. Bravo unk, you're the best! Let the silver streaks glisten under the classroom lamp-lights.

  2. Great more motivation talks to inspire our fellow senior citizens to blog about stuff which are close to our hearts...about memorable stories, photos for sharing session or virtual walkabout for everyone. Cheers!

  3. Dick. The thing about you is that you are always so enthusiastic and passionate about what you do; whether it be IT or the ukelele. It's infectious. And that I think is more important, than any actual IT tips that you can impart to them.
