Friday, June 11, 2010

Active Agers Awards 2010...nominations now open!

Hi folks,
It is time once again to recognise and honour the most outstanding senior active agers in Singapore. Every year since the Awards were first given out in 2007 by the Council of Third Age, more popularly known as C3A, 6 -7 outstanding active agers were chosen from among the hundreds of nominations received.

It is truly wonderful that the Government through the various ministries, stat boards and private sector partners have focused much of their attention on the active ageing population. More and more organisations are also coming on board to do their part.
Even the schools are chipping in.

For example, just on Wednesday 9 June 2010, I was invited to be a speaker at the Raffles Advocate Community Forum/Dialogue which was held at Raffles JC.
The forum that I and 3 other invited speakers were involved in had the theme " Promoting Active Ageing ".
The student participants, coming from various secondary schools, were very enthusiastic, bubbly and most positive about their involvement.
I came away most impressed by their honesty and sincerity and enjoyed the two-way interaction tremendously. It always make Unk Dicko feel young whenever I am surrounded by young people!
The organisers and the team from Raffles must be commended highly for doing a great job.
Will have a special blog with more details about this event...soon as I return from Vietnam shortly.

So folks, if you know of someone whose age is 60 or over, is fairly active and has a passion for living that inspires...please take the trouble to nominate him or her. He may be within the family circle or someone you jolly well know outside. Doesn't matter. What matters is that someone must take a little time to do the nomination. No self-nomination is allowed. The nominated one will certainly appreciate what you have done!

By now, regular visitors to this blog will know that Unk Dicko was one of the Active Agers Award winners of 2008. My being awarded with the inaugural Top Award...the Active Agers INFOCOMM Champion Award 2008 was something so unexpected, so unbelievable, so unreal that the story ought to be told. And it is not fiction. Yes, it has been taken up by most of the newspapers, some magazines and made TV and radio news too.
For those who want more detailed information on that story, there are many posts in my blog. Do check out my archives column.

How did it happen for me? From a "dead and gone IT" dinosaur to winning the 1st ever Award from IDA for this category of active agers.
Who nominated me? Did I know about it beforehand? Was I consulted beforehand?
I was shortlisted for the final interview round ( only one ) at the C3A and did a blogpost when I came home. That was in Sept 2008. To read that most interesting blogpost ...Click here: The answers to those questions are in the post.

This message is from my friend Elizabeth from the C3A

We are currently organising the annual Active Agers Awards, which recognises seniors aged 60 and above who are role models of active ageing. The 2010 Awards are now open for nominations. Attractive prizes await both winners and their nominators.

For more details of the awards, please do visit Please do help us publicise this within your school mates and get them to nominate the senior role models in their lives – grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.

The nominations can be done online, via hard copy or via our hotline at 6796 9346, and the deadline for submissions is 6 July 2010.
Dear Mr Yip, Judy and Chiew Kim – pls do help us spread the word out on the awards, and help nominate the active agers that you know as a form of encouragement.

Thanks very much!

Elizabeth Njo
Manager, C3A

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