Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Active Agers Awards 2010...part 4, President honoured.

The presentation of the Awards began midway through the evening. Of all the hundreds who were nominated for the 7 Active Agers Awards 2010, the most outstanding ones were selected by the panel of judges/interviewers to be publicly honoured and recognised. They received their much deserved trophies and other prizes from President Nathan.

However, the runners -up for the Awards were not forgotten either. They were similarly invited to the event and presented with their own sets of certificates.

Also invited to this prestigious event were all former winners of the Active Agers Awards from
2007 to 2009. Their spouse or family member was also included.

The inspiring stories behind these 7 winners have in this past week appeared in the press in all
the languages...Malay, Chinese, Tamil and English.
The event also made it to the TV news.

The Runners-up in the Active Agers Awards were honoured too.

This is the 2010 Infocomm Champion Awardee, Harry Lo

The 1st winner of new POSB Active Award, Jim Then

Active Ager Award winner Betty Wee

Active Ager Award winner Zaleha bte Akbar Ali

President SR Nathan receiving his special Active Ager Award 2010
from C3A Chairman Gerard Ee
When President Nathan had given out the last award, he was then told to remain on stage for a moment. What happened next was a complete surprise to all, most of all to the President himself. The C3A presented him with a most Special Active Agers Award 2010. When the M C explained the circumstances of the Award...the President received the loudest applause.
The President of Singapore has set and is still setting an excellent example for all.
He's 87 and is still working as hard as ever in shouldering his state responsibilities and keeping very active. He embodies much of the qualities for giving out these Awards.
He fully deserve such a special Award!


  1. Congratulations Unk Dicko and everyone, including President Nathan, as the Active Ager Award 2010 winners from C3A.


  2. The Award to our President makes him the oldest among all the Active Agers Award winners.
    Who knows..He might be the Patron for an Alumni of past and current winners if that is considered.
    Thanks Thimbuktu!
