Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Active Agers Awards, part 5 - The IDA family

When the evening's programme ended and the President had left, IDA staff requested Sam, Harry and me to stay behind as IDA chief Ronnie Tay wanted some group pictures to be taken by the official photographer. I thought I saw a few of these pro shooters that night. They probably represented different organisations like the media and press, govt agencies, stat boards and maybe even the many sponsors for the C3A and the Awards.

Come to think of it, such pro shooters were also there in previous events but I've hardly seen the results of their work. No idea why.
That's why it's imperative to always carry a small digital camera, like I usually do, for any event big or small.
That way, we don't have to wait for or depend on others for snapshots of the occasion.
So, here are some snapshots from my camera that captured those moments.

The 3 Infocomm Champions with IDA CEO Ronnie Tay and his staff

AAA Infocomm Champions - From L, 4th Sam Liu [2009], 6th Harry Lo [2010]
and 7th Dick Yip [ 2008 ].

The 3 wise men surrounded by all the pretty IDA ladies

IDA staff with Sam Liu, Unk Dicko and Harry Lo

These are my fellow 2008 Active Agers Award winners
L to R: Mdm Krishnavani, Mona Yeo, Unk Dicko, Tang Wing Kee, Daniel Koh

Since 2008, these Active Ager Award Winners are as active as ever.

Mdm K is still dancing away!
Mona Yeo is still a great story-teller!
Tang Wing still roller blading away!
Daniel Koh is still adventuring abroad!
Sam Liu is still conducting IT at RSVP!
And Unk Dicko......?


  1. You look like the youngest among the bunch! The outfit is outstanding, haha

  2. Hi Icemoon,
    That 'outfit' is a nice, formal shirt I put on,for an event, 1st time that night.
    It caught Brian Richmond's attention and he specifically asked me where I got it from. He thought it was tailor-made. But it wasn't. At that very moment, I could not recall where I got it from as it was a few years ago.
    So I still owe my friend Brian an answer.
