Thursday, October 25, 2007

A World famous logo

The fern leaf you see here is the Silver Fern of New Zealand. The logo of this fern is widely representative of New Zealand and New Zealanders. It is an image that all New Zealanders can relate to. This is because it is a very powerful and emotional symbol of inspiration when it matters. It comes from the leaf of the N Z fern....Cyathea Dealbata [ Maori name is ponga ]. Its top-side is dark green while underneath it is silver. In moonlight, the underside glows brightly thus providing excellent track markers in NZ's forests.
There are over 180 varieties of ferns in NZ. Only the Silver Fern has such qualities. The fern can grow to about 10 metres tall.
There is a long history of the origins and usage of the fern's symbol. It has been widely used in emblems for sports, business, trading, military units, currency etc. The NZ world cup netball champion team is known officially as the Silver Ferns while the famous All Blacks always have this on their rugby jersies.

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