Teen who stared at group slashed to death
Tue, Nov 02, 2010The Star/Asia News Network
A GROUP of assailants shouted "369" in Hokkien and flashed a victory sign after slashing a youth to death in a fight, according to Sin Chew Daily.
The daily reported that the brawl broke out when Ng Wei Jie, 19, and his two friends were confronted by five men at the Downtown East shopping mall in Pasir Ris, Singapore, at about 5.30pm last Saturday.
Darren Ng's murder
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Apparently, Ng and his friends had stared at the men, who had tattoos on their bodies, at a fast-food restaurant.
The two groups subsequently adjourned to an open space where Ng had a "talk" with the leader. However, this ended in a fight.
The daily reported that eye-witnesses saw a man from the bigger group whip out a vegetable knife and hacked Ng while his friends ran away.
The suspects reportedly shouted "369" in Hokkien and showed a victory sign before escaping.
However, local newspapers have reported today that four of the suspected assailants have been picked up by the police. They are being held under murder charges, which carries the death penalty and investigations are still ongoing.
Related links
» Suspects in fatal Downtown East slashing arrested
» Youth dies from slash wounds
» Hacked poly student reportedly got into staring incident
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Apparently, Ng and his friends had stared at the men, who had tattoos on their bodies, at a fast-food restaurant.
The two groups subsequently adjourned to an open space where Ng had a "talk" with the leader. However, this ended in a fight.
The daily reported that eye-witnesses saw a man from the bigger group whip out a vegetable knife and hacked Ng while his friends ran away.
The suspects reportedly shouted "369" in Hokkien and showed a victory sign before escaping.
However, local newspapers have reported today that four of the suspected assailants have been picked up by the police. They are being held under murder charges, which carries the death penalty and investigations are still ongoing.
Related links
» Suspects in fatal Downtown East slashing arrested
» Youth dies from slash wounds
» Hacked poly student reportedly got into staring incident
Unk Dicko's Comments
I have checked out most of the forums, comments and news about this extremely brutal and senseless massacre...by a bunch of the most cowardly samseng kias imaginable. Almost everyone out there is greatly outraged by the brutal action of this gang of samsengs from "369". They are not that young anymore ranging from 18 -20 in age. That is the age when many of our NS men in the SAF are given great responsibility in handling "live" arms, weapons, explosives and ammunition. The age where boys become men and leaders.
The age of maturity and responsibility in defending our people and our nation.
But what do we have here in this latest gang-inspired killing?
A bunch of good for nothing scumbags, all geared in their gangland attire outfit of black, sporting
their weird gangland tattoos, openly advertising as a "come on" about who they are, with all their
purported macho bravado ( that's why there were at least 10 of them, like a herd, strength in numbers is their greatest secret)...and openly looking for incidental trouble or whatever they could engineer to make their day "memorable".
Well, their day will be most memorable indeed. In fact, as I used to tell those SS characters I was dealing with, seriously..." you had your FUN and your EXCITEMENT at the expense of innocent people. Now, let's see what fun you will have when we turn your day into night, and your night into day!". And that was only for those not involved with murder!
The poor victim - Darren Ng
I understand from my sources he was a nice and good former pupil of Gongshang Primary Sch.
At 19, the only son in the family, he had all to live for as he pursued his Diploma at the Republic Poly. He was a quiet chap and even shy as was described. He was in the R P waterpolo team.
[ This is an update after this original post was first published ]
There are reports on the net that Darren was sacked from RP for possible gang related activity and that he was only taken back in after appeal, a few weeks before this killing. When he was in Primary School he was as reported a generally ok student, no problem with SS links then.
At his funeral wake, the 2 friends who were with him when they were attacked were chased away by family members...when they came to the wake ( according to TNP report ). This signalled to everyone that those 2 friends are involved in secret societies.
The youth gangsters from 369
They were all laughing as they slashed at poor Darren with choppers and a parang...shouting out
LOUDLY in Hokkien for the large crowd to hear, advertising for their SS gang ''we are 369, we are 369 !!! ".
Before going to Downtown East, this group had hidden knives, choppers and a parang in their various bags and pouches.
So, they were fully armed before anything had happened. PREMEDITATION and PRE-PREPARATION shows deliberate intention to inflict HARM, or worse DEATH on anyone whom they instigate into a fight.
The penalty under our LAW is DEATH BY HANGING !
Many forummers are not satisfied by even this. They have strongly voiced out that these 369 cowards/killers should be HANGED PUBLICLY...as a strong warning to all others bent on wanton killing of innocent people.
I can understand their strong reaction!
During the first week of the Japanese Occupation of S'pore in WW2, there was rampant stealing and thefts. The Japanese Military Administration gave the "go ahead" for making an example of the first 4 thieves caught. The public was ordered to go to a place outside Outram Prison where a Jap executioner then proceeded to chop off the heads of the 4 men.
The heads were ordered to be displayed openly near Bras Basah Rd and near Cathay Building...for weeks!
Stealing stopped.
Crime stopped.
People were not afraid to leave their doors opened.
What Next?
Our govt, police and security forces have focussed their attention on the dangers of external terrorism infiltrating into our peaceful homeland. Much of our time, money and resources have been channeled into this area. So well and good.
No one had died of any terrorist act committed in S'pore. Our one only very sad casualty was the late Ms Lo Hwei Yen, a victim of the Mumbai terrorist attack.
But the scourge of secret society and triads in their various off-shoots has not gone away.
They are still around, no doubt on a smaller scale...but still widespread !
And they are still terrorising our innocent people in the schools, at malls, coffee-shops, at playgrounds, at arcades, in void decks, in fact anywhere. Most prople are still too fearful to report any harassments by SS elements because of the threats they have received.
Unk Dicko knows fully.
I strongly feel that our govt, with all the fantastic resources we have, should easily decimate and cripple this scourge and menace, once and for all.
To do that...they need to come out with a new TASK FORCE with the sole purpose of wiping out the gang problem for good. The TF should be led by the BEST officers, unafraid for themselves and must encourage the fullest input and contributions of ideas and solutions by all levels of S'pore society.
All Singaporeans should contribute and support...like the way we tackled SARS and H1N1 as a nation, as a people.
Unk Dicko will never shy away from contributing towards the security and future of our country.
The buck stops here!
Watch for my next post...insider's details.
This is such a sad news. And I've to agree, they need to pay back for what they have done to poor darren .. And that's to hang publicly.
I'm sorry that I have to say such thing, but when they slash darren, did they even think for one minute about the poor chap? No.
So no way, we should show them pity!!!
They are worse than a pack of wild dogs, since at least the wild dogs only gang up to kill a target that they EAT. They are not just sub-human, they are sub-life. If not because all the human rights people would whine about it, I'd say put them into their own cell block in prison. Or better yet, separate them far from each other, put each one of them next to someone who's bigger, stronger, prison rapist, etc. Then they will understand the true meaning of TERROR.
Yes, the government should whack them jialat jialat with the .... Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act!
So sad that juvenile deliquents are similar to the days at Bukit Ho Swee with "staring incidents" in those early days of Singapore.
As a young days in the kampong, I dared not stare at the toughies with "intoxication of youth".
Many have changed to turn a new leaf as they grown up and understand to become social responsible citizens.
No one is above the law.
Hang down your head Tom Dooley.
For your info guys, there are a group of people in Spore actively campaigning against the death penalty in Spore.
first off. i agree that the perpetrators should be punished for what they did.
but do we really know what happened aside from what the media has reported? do we really know what has been revealed during interrogations? i think we should not jump so hastily to conclusion that it's a simple 'staring' incident.
I live in Europe now but keep up with the news in Spore. I return every year. During my last trip, I noticed more such people hanging around the malls. I never used to feel intimidated in Spore but I do now. Maybe I am getting old! I used to go to Victoria School at Jalan Besar and lived in Jalan Kayu. I have seen and experienced my fair share of samsengs in my day around that area. All this almost sounds like the mindless knife murders in London. This goes to show that the old triads have evolved. Very sad.
I thank all of you for your response and comments about this tragic incident.
To Anon.. most of us are aware about a very tiny, miniscule portion of people against the death penalty often led by these "Human Rights" watchers. 99.9% of our people are not with them.
To LaLa: Good point. No one has concluded anything yet. Investigations are still ongoing. The Truth will prevail in open court.
But whatever the cause...those 369scumbags CHOSE THE WORST OPTION to play it out to their own damnation.
And lastly to my dear brother Victorian, I'm a Victorian too!
What you said about the traids having evolved..well, there is some truth to that. Your observation is also pretty accurate about the current day situation in Singapore.
WHY has things become worse now?
Anyone care to put your 2 cents worth?
I feel deeply disturbed by this incident, fearing that my younger brother might become the next innocent victim of such a brutal attack.
Chances are, the SSB will have a hard time dealing with "members" of such organization due to "human rights", and well drafted complaint letters from the families of these members.
In my opinion,human rights should only be a priviledge granted to individuals who contribute to the society.
As such, any member of an organization deemed to be capable of distrupting social peace, security and stability (e.g. gang members) should have their basic human rights suspended by law.
Let the SSB deal with these people after their human rights are suspended; only then can we obtain "real results" in a modern society which consider "human rights" as an entitlement.
fair enough on that point. still, i believe in rehabilitation, rather than condemnation. as for why society has evolved as such, there's a similar documentary done in Japan on their rising statistics with regards to teenage killers. :)
and oh. i fall under the 0.01% of the population then. proud member of the amnesty international NGO. :)
Human rights should be granted to humane human. For gangsters like these 4 devils, can we classify them as human? Besides having a human physical form, in what way do they seem like a human (do their face even look like human besides the correct positioning of what looks like eyes, nose and mouth?). To kill people in a fit of anger is one thing. To come prepared for killing is another. To be able to laugh while slashing people AND show victory sign after that is a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. If what is being reported is right, are they fit to live? If the reports are right, these ain't what human beings are capable of doing. If they ain't human, why give them human rights? Like what someone said earlier, beasts kill for food, for survival, not for fun. Hanging them in public isn't enough in my opinion. It is a quick death as compared to the poor boy's. A slower death will give them more agony, both physical and mental. IF they have low IQ or are mental health patients, I hope they won't get the easy way out too. At least whole life in jail, staying with bullies and gay rapists.
to anonymous, then the question is what constitutes to being a human?
An horrific crime that galls me to the core! And you are right about the increase in deliquency and the total lack of responsibility and right thinking that is beginning to emerge in the youth in Singapore. I am not into the blame game, but for all parents out there, we all better start a serious examination of how we are bringing up our own children and the example we are setting by our own behaviour. In the old days, manners, proper behaviour, proper conversation and due respect for customes were all part of the concept of "upbringing". Parenting must evolve with our children - we need to instill a proper upbringing in our children as well as go further as parents to spend time understanding, guiding and getting the trust of our children. We just have to find a way to break through - this is not an option, or face the consequences when they go wrong!
to lala:
what's the meaning of humane? which comes from the word human. And should someone who ignores their victim's human rights, deserve human rights?
Hi Uncle Dick
I'm a fellow educator and have taught for some years in a seemingly infamous school in CCK area before. And here are my 2 cents worth on the delinquency cum Youth violence issue.
1. General discipline climate in many schools are poor. A few reasons to this: a) The P says no to caning, b) the superintendent says no to caning, c) We must use the language of 'love' first, therefore many teachers have lost their authority. There is an entire barrage of posts by teachers and non-teachers here that will give the public a bit more of the hindsight of the other possible reasons to degraded school discipline climate.
2. My observation of the youths in CCK area is that many of these delinquents come from broken homes and troubled families, so being young and with the great need to find their sense of identity and to be recognised, they can be easily pickings for the so-called secret societies. I speak of this in confidence due to my many counselling sessions with quite a few of such at-risk youths within the school.
3. The core of the problem here is not quite about the 'mata' not doing their duty or that there are not enough walking/cycling/segwaying patrols around the streets. It is with the youths entirely. What is wrong with them you say? Well, there is nothing wrong with them as a person at all. In fact, the youth is still a human being as we all understand from the science perspective.
So what exactly is wrong?
Here is my 5 cents worth.
Its the toxic environment that they have unfortunately been born into.
20 years back, it was difficult to get hold of pornography, now with a type or mistype of a keyword, you get funny stuff online.
Violence is everywhere within the many media that they are exposed to. The cartoons on TV of late no longer have that moral value thing at the end of the show. Powerpuff girls was a wonderful way of desensitizing violence. And you thought that the pixelated bloody scene of ripping the opponent's still beating heart out in the hot video game MORTAL COMBAT in the 90s was bad. Take a gooood look at the super realistic celebration of violence in the latest video games http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=271261
Well these youths we know desire attention and recognition above everything else. So the 'brotherhood' meet their needs entirely.
So where is the love from home? Let us all do our calculations here. I believe that all here will nod their heads that our global society is a ruthless one that demands the worker to work himself to death. So how much time can the average breadwinners or parents within the household give to their children? Our PM says it is important to have work life balance and had implemented policies that try to help us achieve that. But are we really balanced? So why are our national fertility rate not improving?
it was not a staring incident, but a meeting between 2 rival gangs. they came prepared with weapons. they killed rival gang member darren. his 'brothers' ran away when he fell. so much for yi kee or loyalty. LOL! there is no such thing as loyalty in gangs, only self-interest. police has more loyalty among themselves.
secret societies are still v widespread. this is due to old ss members recruiting new members and school bullying. the victim had to join gangs for protection. need to re-detain all these old gangsters under criminal law. and crush the new gangs, especially with links to m'sial. they are a terror there cos m'sial police takes bribes and 'protection' money from these gangsters.
so did the courts sentence these useless sam sengs to death? or just rioting etc which means 2-=4 years with caning. they should all be hanged, in public. force those anti-death penalty and human rights parasites to attend and watch.
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