This year the NDP was held at Marina Bay. We decided way before hand to watch the parade as an extended family with friends of Redsports. It was also because we wanted very much to be together for the nation's first ever mass island -wide and worldwide recitation of that solemn Pledge...Our Singapore Pledge.
We watched the Parade together with our grandkids and other family members...on the Box.
This year's Parade was truly impressive and very exciting...with many new ideas and sets. The colours were really bright and brilliant. For most of us the segment that we found most entertaining was the re-enaction of Sang Nila Utama's landing on Temasek ( Singapore). Comediennes Mark Lee, acting as the Admiral for the King and Suhaimi Yusuf as another key official, stole the show with their hilarious Singlish and their antics.
When Mark Lee was asked by Sang Nila, " What is ahead? Can you find us a safe place to land?"..
he answered, " You ask me I ask who? "all of us rocked with laughter. Even
our little cutie ones burst out in laughter!
I am glad that the NDP organisers and controllers allowed such light-hearted banter even on such an occasion. Past NDPs were too serious throughout. There should be a nice balance between the solemnity and the entertainment side of the items.
I hope to see more of such in the future.
As we sat watching the Parade, the seconds ticked by and soon the clock struck 8.22 pm. What's so special about 8.22 pm?
It had been announced and publicised that at that exact time all Singaporeans, citizens or PRs, were invited to join in, where ever they may be, to reaffirm and recite The Pledge.
Everywhere, at home and abroad, and happening in real time..we all stood up to be counted. Yes, count on me Singapore! Yes, count on us Singapore!
It was only 30 seconds. But history was being made right that moment for all who were spirited enough to be counted!
So, our people affirmed the it the deep meaning and respect it fully deserved. Our country has been the better for it all these years since it was first recited in 1966 ( see my previous post ).
My daughter and her kids made this tray of fruits done in a way that cannot be mistaken for anything else other than the crescent and the 5 stars D, P, P, E, J.Do you know what those alphabets mean?
The 5 stars each represent:
Democracy, Peace, Prosperity, Equality and Justice.
It was our nation's 44th birthday since independence and 50th birthday since self-govt in 1959.
So on that day we all shouted out....
Majullah Singapura!