Straits Times online news
Dec 10, 2010
Youths brought to court
By Elena Chong

[ Photo: Straits Times online news ] Puay De Feng (left), 20, and Stilwell Ong Keat Pin, 19, were brought to court on Friday over the Downtown East murder of a polytechnic student Darren Ng Wei Jie. -- ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW
TWO more youths were brought to court on Friday over the Downtown East murder of a polytechnic student, bringing the number of people charged to 11.
Stilwell Ong Keat Pin, 19, and Puay De Feng, 20, were each accused of being part of an unlawful assembly, one or more of whom caused the death of Darren Ng Wei Jie, 19, at the main foyer of Downtown east at Pasir Ris Close on Oct 30.
Darren died in hospital hours after the apparent gang-related attack, during which he was hacked with choppers.
Ong, represented by Mr Sunil Sudheesan, was arrested in Johor Baru with the help of the Royal Malaysian Police Force while Puay was nabbed here on Wednesday.
Both were remanded for a week for investigation.
If convicted, they face the mandatory death penalty.
Unk Dicko's Comment:
Almost all those who joined gangs have admitted to having feelings of inadequacy or powerlessness mixed with low self-esteem....that was felt BEFORE they joined. Usually their story takes on a dramatic turn AFTER they had been actively involved in gang activities...especially for those who had BULLIED, INTIMIDATED, HARASSED, THREATENED AND ASSAULTED others. If they had been involved in a gang clash's like a feather in their cap, a 'badge of honour' of they were all led to believe.
If they dared to carry and conceal a deadly weapon like a parang, a chopper or such...they were praised for being 'brave'...that is if they remain uncaught.
All these ideas have been tossed around between gang members and foolishly accepted as gospel truth or 'fait accompli'...without questions in typical gang culture.
Youths in gangs should use their brains and ask themselves some questions such as:-
1. How can we call ourselves "brave" when we have 25 people all armed attacking 3 persons
armed or unarmed ?
The most appropriate word in such a case? No, not brave but COWARDS !
2. AFTER we attack or ambush our rivals, surely the SSB, CID, POLICE, GOVT and even good citizens will want to identify us and arrest us. HOW can we avoid this? How can we feel powerful when after such an attack we run and hide like rats? How can we ever enjoy our life and FREEDOM again after such an attack?
Over to 'so-called' gang headman. You will be held responsible whether you like it or not as these 'hot air balloons' are under your orders.
3. If there is no way to avoid being tracked and arrested and face potential Death Penalty or a long prison term, plus CANING...then WHY are we still going to do this ???
Better ask your gang leader or Headman first to answer before you continue.
Did your gang leader or Headman inform your parents of the planned attack?
Asking yourself such simple questions may save you from a hanging in future.
It may be a little too late for all those involved in the DTE killing.