Friday, June 20, 2008

Inculcating Right Values

The 1st day we visited the school, we used the connecting underpass which was specially made just for the school, to go across the main road [from underneath]. D2 and I were surprised by the kids who were prefects on duty near the exit. As any staff or teacher pass by them, they would greet these teachers in a most cheery manner. It was something I have not seen nor experience in Singapore. It certainly made me smile and gave me a positive uplift!

School begins at a civilised time of 8.30 am and continues to 12.30pm. There is a long lunch break until 2.30pm. Students are allowed to leave the school, go home to have their lunch or eat outside.I noticed many parents do come to pick up their kids during the lunch break. There is no need for a school canteen. Lessons continue after 2.30pm.
After each period or so, there is a 10 minute interval where pupils can go to the open areas to play, shoot ball, rest etc...
Here you can see some of the kids letting off steam between periods, at the basketball courts.

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