Poor Shigeto....he and his 3 other colleagues
were working very hard throughout the week. They had to travel to Johore Bahru on a company assignment for some work with a sunsidiary firm.
So, I did not hear from him until last evening when he called me on my mobile. They were proceeding to Terminal 3 Changi Airport for check-in before departure.
He sounded a little frantic as he wanted to return the ukulele to me.
I told him over the phone that the ukulele is not important but meeting up again is.

I drove up to T3 and the carpark at B1 and B2 were full. B3 had ample lots as I parked and took the lift to the Departure floor.
Shigeto-san was at Counter 3 waiting for me. We were both glad to be able to meet up again even briefly. He brought me over to introduce me to his other colleagues.
Shigeto Takahashi and his colleagues
at T3 after checking in.
I asked if they still have time and they said yes. So, Shigeto started to play a couple of his signature tunes on the ukulele. It was lovely! Other travellers nearby were listening and watching intently at this impromptu performance.

I played some songs from Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore as well...as he had not heard of then before.Soon, his colleagues left for a drink and the 2 of us exchanged much info about ukulele playing, music, chords and working life.
The most important question that I asked him was this: " How many hours of practice do you put in daily?"
I wasn't surprised by his frank answer.
From 2002 onwards, he practised for a minimum 4 hours daily mainly on solo pieces and strums. We chatted and talked on and on while strumming on the uke. He recounted for me his wonderful experiences at the New York Ukulele Festival and meeting up with Da Silva...the founder of Da Silva brand of ukuleles.
And his playing at Yoshimite Nat Park..with Da Silva.
Soon, all good things must come to an end and we hugged and said SAYONARA to each other.
He told me to contact him the next time I'm in Tokyo...as he would like to bring me to a "Ukulele cafe"! He did not forget D2, my wifey, asking me to thank her for showing him around last Sunday.
Well Shigeto-san...Unk Dicko is most happy to have met you and count you as a friend.
All the very best on your performance and appearance at Sweden's Ukulele Festival next month!
You can be sure I'll be following the uploads on Youtube for that event!
Domo Arigato.