These pictures and the brief reports are from the site. They have been reported widely in USA newspapers and USA News Service... such as CNN, WABC News.
Below is a description by one of the writers.
"As I watched that morning, I noticed a series of eerie faces in the billowing smoke. These images appeared to morph in the seemingly never-ending pillars of ugly black smoke. I made a mental note of these surreal apparitions..... "
"In assembling the archives for this site, I viewed thousands of images and newspaper covers. Again, I noticed the eerie faces in the still images of the smoke of the burning towers. They seemed to be present in not just one, but several of the burning tower images."
"Further research provided additional information and seemed to confirm what I was seeing.I was not alone in noticing these awful faces.
Mark D. Phillips, a professional AP photographer in New York, captured an incredibly real image of an evil, devil-like face that is distinguishable on the side of the tower's exterior structure. The authenticity of this image has caused a bit of a stir. Our research has concluded that his image is original and not doctored.The Associated Press and Mark Phillips have unequivocally denied any tampering or enhancement of the image. In fact, neither AP or Phillips were aware of what the photograph appeared to reveal until the image was noticed by readers of US newspapers. When the photo appeared on an early Wednesday (Sept. 12)edition of the Saginaw (Michigan) Press, the phone calls began."
"Further reports indicate that both CNN and ABC have also captured additional devilish images on their television videotape coverage. Additional faces and images have also been identified by several others. The images on this page are not intended to frighten. They are what they are: mostly evil images from an evil act."
"In a speech to the USA on September 11th, President Bush said, "Today, our nation saw evil." He may have been literally correct. Later in that same speech he also said, "Tonight, I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us spoken through the ages in Psalm 23: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me."
Not all images below depict evil faces. Some images depict angel-like images, objects, and flying creatures.

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