Recently, while re-organising my very extensive newspaper clippings which will take many more months of sustained effort and hardwork, I came upon my Chinese collection.
Among them was this original full spread uncut Lianhe Zaobao edition of 1993. Buried within its pages was this news report about the 2 missing Owen Primary schoolboys...Keh Chin Ann and Toh Hong Huat.
I don't normally read or buy the Chinese dailies but because of my interest in this particular case, I bought the paper just for this report.
The black and white photos of the 2 boys are very clear.
As far as I know, this case is still open. The 2 boys, only 12 years old back in 1986, could not simply have vanished into thin air...just like that.
I can only surmise that someone, somepersons, somewhere could be responsible for their disappearance on that fateful day in May 1986. And if that be the case, then those responsible would have full knowledge of whatever happened to them or where they are today.
We can only hope that their conscience will be sufficiently pricked one fine day and they will finally talk.
I know of such happenings where on the deathbed a dying person"confesses" and reveals some
horrific secrets usually of some hideous crime he or she had committed...but unknown to anyone else.
In my coming posts, I will touch on some of such cases.
Same sentiments... I look forward to the day when the truth be revealed, no matter what have become of the 2 of them.
I remember this clearly cos I was in Pri 2 when this happened and feeling very scared and shocked..I remember my parents talking about was big news in singapore...and somehow it still haunts me...i hope the truth will surface...cos i'm sure everyone who remembers this case feels the same way..God Bless..
In the USA, Britain, France and some other countries, amateur people and ex -professionals have come together to form what is loosely termed as the
" COLD CASE FILES " committee.
These refer to cases of serious crimes usually unsolved murder or strange disappearances that the police could not solve...despite the many years at it.
Such CCF committees have solved numerous so called "open, unsolved cases".
But they must be given access to all the police investigation papers, documents, photos and whatever evidence have been collected.
Very Important Question...
Do we have such a CCF Committee in S'pore ? "
Does anyone know?
If there is I've not heard about it.
If there isn't...WHY DON'T WE START ONE?
Seriously..I'll volunteer myself and time.
Someone has contacted me and is very keen to make a serious attempt at studying this case together with me.
We'll be meeting up soon.
If anyone out there has a similar passion, some time and some expertise..feel free to join us.
Just drop a comment here with your contact email and I'll do the rest.
Not to worry, your email will not be published.
Dear Uncle Dicko,
I am uncle sam from
Can I get in touch with you cos you mention you are interested in the 'Cold case file' committee. You can reach me at 97717614 or Please keep in touch.
I would to be involved in a Cold Case Group. I watch that show all the time. Someone please get in touch with me.
Hi Anonymous, I am Unk Dicko the writer of this blogsite. What can I do for you? You asked if someone can get in touch with you. Can you state your purpose more clearly.
Unk Dicko
Thank you. It is not easy to find information that long.
I remembered another unsolved kidnapping in Singapore (sometime in 1980s?) in which a young girl was kidnapped.
I am not able to remember her name, but she was kidnapped on her way to buy some sour plums or was it her servant who left her alone to buy some sour plums (?)
I read it from a book that discuss about crime in Singapore many years ago. Let me see if I can still find that book.
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