Here are 2 interesting news clippings from hundreds found in my "odds and ends" folder.
The one below was from the Sunday Times dated 23 April 1989. On my previous travels to Indonesia I have seen such jamu pedlars in the market place, by street corners and along sidewalks selling their so-called "potent" magic. They are more common in Indonesia than Malaysia. Jamu is also sought after by women, not only men, for cosmetic reasons.
This is no fiction. It actually happened!
It is a pity that the name of the photographer of this snapshot below was not in the report.
The occasion was the National Day Preview Parade at the Padang held on Sat 29 July 2000.
This picture appeared on the Sunday Times the very next day...30/7/2000.
If I had my way, I would have awarded him a top prize for capturing a one in a million image!
Not the skirt lah! Though it plays a huge part in what the viewer may perceive.
The beauty of it all is in the different way this old couple took to the dancer in mini-skirt gyrating
so close to them.
As they always say...behold the eyes, they do not lie!
Mr senior here, probably recalling the days of Rose Chan, was enjoying the spectacle so much he had a wide grin.
Mdm senior with the killer, what do you think was in her mind? Whatever it was, one thing is certain...her husband was clearly on cloud nine and enjoying the bonus spectacle!
As they say...behold the eyes, they do not lie...lah!
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