There must be a strong deterrent factor that should be applied to the fullest extent as a public example. The act to forewarn other potential adventurers must be given widest media and press coverage.
Everyone of us needs to do our part to help make Singapore safe.
Singapore can never be touted as a gracious society and a safe haven with gangs choosing to run wild with choppers and parangs, whenever they like and in whichever location they choose.
Newsclip - From Unk Dicko's Archives [Click on image to read]
The New Paper - Mon 24 June 2002
The majority of our samseng kias out there and their parents or family members do not realise that their wayward sons and daughters can be charged as adults even if they are under 16 years old at the time the offence is committed.
Under 16? Yes...that means 15 years in age and that boy or girl will be charged in "adult" court which carries very serious sentencing penalties.
So instead of being sent to a Boys' or Girls' Home for youth offenders, they join the much older prisoners at Reformative Training Centre or prison.
Unk Dicko has been bringing his " s s darlings " for twice yearly visits to such RTC and prison in the fervent hope that such visits will open their eyes to the DRACONIAN life ( if you can even call that living) and conditions that awaits them...when and if they stray from the straight path.
Prison life is not a joke.
Neither is life in the RTC.
It's a punishing regime of very STRICT rules and regulations to hopefully guide the inmates and channel them back to mainstream society after their release.
The prison visits always include a perfect demonstration of CANING on a dummy but using an actual cane and similar technique and extreme force.
All the "ss darlings" whom we have specially chosen on this MANDATORY visits have to go through every part of the programme.
On the journey back in the bus provided, I would ask for their feedback and frank views.
Most said they do not ever want to end up in prison.
All said they FEAR CANING ! Some of the toughie girls wanted to cry.
They were allowed to see real inmates out of their cells huddling in straight rows or squatting down. The prisoners were told not to look at our party...and they dared not disobey.
Most of them are in the thick of ss activities and display similar characteristics of those you have read about recently...they swagger, they curse, they openly show defiance to one and all, all of this taking place when there are lots of people "show and prove" to the world and their enemies out there just how "tough" they are.
It's an ABSOLUTE MYTH. You wannabie young boy and girl gangsters out there know for a fact that the so called "untouchable, leader or most-fierce chap" was always putting on a show when he or she knows many people are watching.
Just like DTE...thousands of people were there. They still did it. They felt very "brave".
But all of these ss darlings, when there is no one else around to watch...just between him and a law officer, SSB officer, me, police detective....when facing just people who have the REAL POWER to put them away for a long time...they never act brave, never this and never that, all shake and tremble, some go on their knees to ask for mercy.
Mind you, all this are during the investigation stage only and they are already crying and pleading!
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